Welcome to the beautiful Franconia Commons community!
If you would like to view any community Governing Documents or photos, please register for an account using the "Register" button at the top of this page.
The next board meeting is this Thursday, December 5, at 6:30 p.m., and it will be virtual via Microsoft Teams.  
There will be no meeting in January. Regularly scheduled first Thursday of the month meetings will continue on Thursday, February 6th, 2025.  
The Board of Directors Meetings will be held virtually until further notice.  Regular Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. This day and time may be subject to change.   If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact Karen Pangakis at kpangakis@sentrymgt.com to request the link.  The meeting link is also available by signing onto your account at Sentry Management
Are you interested in joining a committee?  We are soliciting members for the ARC, Landscape, and Social Committee.   If you would like to join, please contact Karen at kpangakis@sentrymgt.com.
Please note that the trash and recycling pickup days:
Trash Collection:         Tuesday and Friday   
 Recycle:                        Friday
Trash/Recycle should only be out the evening before the pickup day.

Community lights - Report all light pole outages to Karen at kpangakis@sentrymgt.com.  Please include the closest address and the number on the side of the light pole.
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Upcoming Events
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm
Monthly HOA meeting
6:30pm to 8pm